Leverage Your Success With Follow Up 

Leverage Your Success With Follow Up 

With statistics showing that 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact, one could conclude that a follow up strategy is a necessity to be a successful salesperson. The trick is finding a balance between maintaining momentum and customer satisfaction while efficiently managing time. 

One of the many great tools available through the RepCard app is automated follow up. Because the focus is on adding value to the interaction, the best way to leverage the automated follow up is to customize the experience for the lead or the client. 

Here are a couple ingenious ways to accomplish this:


In this feature, you have the option to setup a client and/or lead with specific text messages. These range from a welcome text all the way to a 13 month text. These are customizable and can be set on a time frame that works best for you and the client. The coolest part? These automated follow up texts are scheduled ahead of time, which means more time for you to invest in other areas of your business.


If your client isn’t big on regular communication, or if you are just reaching out for the first time, the Business Card feature allows you to send a message along with your information.  Depending on the customers needs, you can choose the exact day and time when to next contact the client. Once the text is scheduled, you can move on and let RepCard do the worrying for you. This feature is more freestyle, but reminds clients who you are each time you contact them. 

These two features allow you to communicate in your own unique way. Keeping your clients aware of you, keeps them interested. Here is what a few RepCard users say about automated follow up:

“I just got an extra account this week. A customer was going through a divorce and didn’t have credit [at the time]….RepCard automatically sent him a six month follow up text that I had custom preset. He called me and says ‘I’ve got my credit up. I’m ready to go.’ Boom! Otherwise, I probably would have lost that account.”

– Elijah Palmer

It’s amazing so far. Glad I’m on it. Makes following up so easy and effortless. Now only time will tell how much cheddar it turns into from auto texting leads. Love it.

    -Sterling Clark

“In the past, I’ve had to give [customers] a paper business card and get their name and number, and then put the information into my planner… Now, I can go to my phone and pull up my business card and and send them a text campaign….This has expanded my entire business.”

-Alex McCune

Incorporating automated follow up through RepCard will ensure that your follow up strategy is successful. You want to close deals? Follow up!


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